- [UGTh] denotes undergraduate thesis work.
- Scopus author profile [Link]
- Google scholar citation report [Link]
2025 [as of February]
- Salehnia, N., C.-H. Park, H. Park, N. Fedorov, J. Ahn,
A. Fedorov, S.-W. Son, 2025:
Positive surface air temperature trends in a subarctic region:
analyzing the changes in dominant periodic components and energy budget,
Atmospheric Research, in press
- Park, H., T. Mun, D.-H. Cha, M.-I. Lee, M. Lee, S.-K. Min,
B.-M. Kim and S.-W. Son, 2025:
How does Pacific Decadal Oscillation modulate
extreme heavy rainfall frequency over far East Asia?,
Geophysical Research Letters, in press
- Lee, J., S.-Y. Wang, S.-W. Son, D. Kim, J.-H. Jeong,
H. Kim, and J.-H. Yoon, 2024:
Amplification of Northern Hemisphere winter stationary
waves in a warming world,
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 20,
- Garfinkel, C. I., Z. D. Lawrence, A. H. Butler, E. Dunn-Sigouin,
I. Statnaia, A. Y. Karpechko, G. Koren, M. Abalos,
B. Ayarzaguena, D. Barriopedro, N. Calvo, A. de la Camara,
A. Charlton-Perez, J. Cohen, D. I. V. Domeisen, J. Garcia-Serrano,
N. P. Hindley, M. Jucker, H. Kim, R. W. Lee, S. H. Lee,
M. Osman, F. M. Palmeiro, I. Polichtchouk, J. Rao,
J. H. Richter, C. Schwartz, S.-W. Son, M. Taguchi,
N. L. Tyrrell, C. J. Wright, and R. W.-Y. Wu, 2025:
A process-based evaluation of biases in extratropical
stratosphere-troposphere coupling in subseasonal forecast systems,
Weather and Climate Dynamics, 6, 171-195,
- Kwon, D., S.-K. Min, M. Lee, G.-Y. Seo, and S.-W. Son, 2025:
Attribution of 2022 August heavy precipitation event in South Korea
using high-resolution pseudo global warming simulations:
Sensitivity to vertical temperature changes,
Geophysical Research Letters, 52, e2024GL112392
- Krishnan, R., C. Dhara, T. Horinouchi, C. K. G. Gonzales, A. P. Dimri,
M. S. Shrestha, P. Swapna, M. K. Roxy, S.-W. Son, and F. Qiao, 2025:
Compound weather and climate extremes in the Asian region:
science-informed recommendations for policy,
Frontiers in Climate, 6:1504475, doi: 10.3389/fclim.2024.1504475
2024 [23(14)/2(1)]
- Hwang, J., S.-W. Son*, C. I. Garfinkel, T. Woolings, H. Yoon,
S.-I. An, S.-W. Yeh, S.-K. Min, J.-S. Kug, and J. Shin, 2024:
Asymmetric hysteresis response of midlatitude storm
tracks to CO2 removal,
Nature Climate Change, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-024-01971-x
- Choi, J., S.-W. Son*, S. Lee, and S. Park, 2024:
Advancing global solar photovoltaic power forecasting
with sub-seasonal climate outlooks,
Renewable Energy, 237, Part C, 121803
- Lim, E.-P., L. Zhou, G. Young, S. Abhik, I. Rudeva, P. Hope,
M. C. Wheeler, H. H. Hendon, G. L. Manney, S.-W. Son,
and J. Oh., 2024:
Predictability of the 2020 strong vortex in the Antarctic
stratosphere and the role of ozone,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere, 129, e2024JD040820
- An, S.-I., S.-H. Shin, C. Liu, S.-W. Yeh,
S.-K, Min, S.-W. Son, and J.-S. Kug, 2024:
Asymmetric ENSO teleconnections
in a symmetric CO2 concentration pathway,
Environmental Research Letters, 19, 124028
- Back, S.-Y., D. Kim*, and S.-W. Son*, 2024:
MJO diversity in CMIP6 models,
Journal of Climate, 37, 4835-4850
- Park, C., and S.-W. Son*, 2024:
Atmospheric rivers in East Asia summer as the continuum of
extratropical and monsoonal moisture plumes,
Journal of Climate, 37, 5055-5071
- Son, J.-H., C. Franzke, and S.-W. Son, 2024:
Dynamics of extreme surface winds
inside North Atlantic midlatitude cyclones,
Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL110330
- Park, C.-H. and S.-W. Son*, 2024:
Subseasonal variability of ENSO-East Asia teleconnections
driven by tropical convection over the Indian Ocean and
Maritime Continent,
Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL108062
- Oh, S.-G., S.-W. Son, S. Jeong, and Y.-K. Cho, 2024:
Significant reduction of potential exposure to extreme
marine heatwaves by achieving carbon neutrality,
Earth's Future, 12, e2024EF004420
- Kwon, Y, C. Park, S.-W. Son*, and J. Kim, 2024:
Modulation of East Asian atmospheric rivers
by the Pacific-Japan teleconnection pattern,
Environmental Research Letters, 19, 064055
- Mun, T., H. Park, D.-H. Cha, C.-K. Song, S.-K. Min, and
S.-W. Son, 2024:
Did recent sea surface temperature warming reinforce
the extreme East Asian Summer Monsoon precipitation in 2020?,
Weather and Climate Extremes, 44, 100682
- Park, C., M.-J. Kang, J. Hwang,
H.-O. Cho, S. Kim, and S.-W. Son*, 2024:
Multiscale drivers of catastrophic heavy rainfall event in
early August 2022 in South Korea,
Weather and Climate Extremes, 44, 100681
- Hwang, J., S.-W. Son*, P. Martineau, M.-K. Sung, D. Barriopedro,
S.-I. An, S.-W. Yeh, S.-K. Min, J.-S. Kug, and J. Shin, 2024:
Basin-dependent Northern Hemisphere blocking
frequency change to CO2 removal,
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7, 11,
- Liu, C., S.-I. An, J. Zhao, H.-J. Shin, S.-W. Son, and F.-F. Jin, 2014:
Hemispheric asymmetric response of tropical cyclones
to CO2 emission reduction,
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7, 83,
- Kwon, Y, and S.-W. Son*, 2024:
East Asian atmospheric rivers are most hazardous in summer,
Weather and Climate Extremes, 44, 100658
- Jun, Y.-J., S.-W. Son*, H. Kim, H.-S. Park,
and J.-H. Yoon, 2024:
Warm Arctic-Cold Eurasia (WACE) trend: inference from large-ensemble
model simulations,
Journal of Climate, 3205-3217
- Yoon, H., J. Choi*, S.-W. Son*, and A. A. Scaife, 2024:
Skillful prediction of length of day one year ahead
in multiple decadal prediction systems,
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7, 70,
- Kang, M., H. Kim, and S.-W. Son*, 2024:
QBO modulation of MJO teleconnections in the PNA Region:
Impact of preceding MJO phases,
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7, 12.
- Lee, J., S.-Y. S. Wang, S.-W. Son, D. Kim, J.-H. Jeong, H. Kim, and
J.-H. Yoon, 2024:
Evolving winter atmospheric teleconnection patterns and their
potential triggers across western North America,
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7, 63,
- Hong, Y., S.-Y. S. Wang, S.-W. Son, J.-H. Jeong, S.-W. Kim,
B. Kim, H. Kim, and J.-H. Yoon, 2024:
From peak to plummet: on the impending decline of
the warm Arctic-cold continents phenomenon,
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7, 66,
- Oh, S.-G., S.-W. Son*, Y.-H. Kim, C. Park, J. Ko, K. Shin,
J.-H. Ha, and H. Lee, 2024:
Deep learning model for heavy rainfall nowcasting in South Korea,
Weather and Climate Extremes, 44, 100652
- Oh, S.-G., J. Choi, M.-J. Kang, S.-W. Son*, S. Jeong, S.-K. Min,
S.-W. Yeh, and Y.-H. Kim, 2024:
Significant reduction of unequal population exposure to
climate extremes by achieving the carbon neutrality,
Earth's Future, 12, e2023EF004381
- Zhang, G., C. Azorin-Molina, D. Chen, T. R. McVicar,
J. A. Guijarro, K. Deng, L. Minola, J. Lee, S.-W. Son,
H. Ma, and P. Shi, 2024:
Variability and trends of near-surface wind speed over the Tibetan
Plateau: The role played by the westerly and Asian monsoon,
Advances in Climate Change Research, 15, 525-536
- [In Korean]
Kim, H., Y. Kwon, S.-Y. Back, J. Hwang, S.-W. Son,
H. Park, and E.-J. Cha, 2024:
Evaluation of short-term prediction skill of East Asian summer
atmospheric rivers,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 34, 83-95
- [In Korean]
Chung, S., and S.-W. Son*, 2024:
Asymmetric tropopause height change to symmetric CO2 change,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 34, 385-396 [UGTh]
2023 [25(15)/6(3)]
- Son, S.-W.*, 2023:
Stratospheric ozone loss by very short-lived substances,
Nature Climate Change, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-023-01687-4
- Kim, S.-Y., Y.-J. Choi, S.-W. Son*, K. M. Grise,
P. W. Staten, S.-I. An, S.-W. Yeh, J.-S. Kug, S.-K. Min, and
J. Shin, 2023:
Hemispherically asymmetric Hadley-cell
response to CO2 removal,
Science Advances, 9, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adg1801
- Jin, D., D. Kim, S.-W. Son, and L. Oreopoulos, 2023:
QBO deepens MJO convection,
Nature Communications, 14, 4088,
- Cho, H.-O., M.-J. Kang, and S.-W. Son*, 2023:
The predictability of the 2021 SSW event controlled
by the zonal-mean state in S2S prediction models,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 128, e2023JD039559
- Kim, H.-R., B.-M. Kim, Y.-S. Choi, S.-Y. Jun, and S.-W. Son, 2023:
Difference in boreal winter predictability between two dynamical
cores of Community Atmosphere Model 5,
Environmental Research Letters, 19. 014019
- Park, C., S.-W. Son*, Y. Takayabu, S.-H. Park, D.-H. Cha,
and E.-J. Cha, 2023:
Role of midlatitude baroclinic condition in heavy rainfall
events directly induced by tropical cyclones in South Korea,
Monthly Weather Review, 151, 3113-3132,
- Kodera, K., T. Nasuno, S.-W. Son, N. Eguchi, and Y. Harada, 2023:
Influence of the stratospheric QBO on seasonal migration of
the convective center across the Maritime Continent,
Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 101, 445-459,
- Kim, H., S.-W. Son*, H. Kim, K.-H. Seo, and M.-J. Kang, 2023:
MJO influence on subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction
in the Northern Hemisphere extratropics,
Journal of Climate, 7943-7956, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0139.1
- Han, J.-Y., S.-W. Kim, C.-H. Park and S.-W. Son*, 2023:
Ensemble size versus bias correction effects in
subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) forecasts,
Geoscience Letters, 10, 37, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40562-023-00292-9
- Tian, Y., Y. Zhao, S.-W. Son, J.-J. Luo, and S.-G. Oh, 2023:
A deep-learning ensemble method to detect atmospheric rivers
and its application to long-term changes in precipitation regime,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 128, e2022JD037041
- Paik, S., S.-K. Min*, S.-W. Son*, E.-P. Lim, S. McGregor,
S.-I. An, J.-S. Kug, and S.-W. Yeh, 2023:
Impact of volcanic eruptions on extratropical atmospheric
circulations: Review, revisit and future directions,
Environmental Research Letters, 18, 063003
- Park, C., S.-W. Son*, B. Guan, 2023:
Multiscale nature of atmospheric rivers,
Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL102784
- Oh, S.-G., B.-G. Kim, Y. Cho, and S.-W. Son, 2023:
Quantification of the performance of CMIP6 models
for dynamic downscaling in the North Pacific
and Northwest Pacific oceans,
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 59, 367-382
- Kim, T.-J., J. Kim, C. Park, S.-W. Son, J.-U. Kim,
S.-H. Kwon, H. Moon, and Y.-H. Byun, 2023:
Evaluation of a CMIP6 multi-GCM ensemble for atmospheric rivers
and precipitation over East Asia,
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 59, 327-345
- Do, H.-S., J. Kim, E.-J. Cha, E.-C. Chang, S.-W. Son, and G. Lee, 2023:
Long-term change of summer mean and extreme precipitations
in Korea and East Asia,
International Journal of Climatology, 15, 3476-3492
- Oh, S.-G., J.-Y. Han, S.-K. Min, and S.-W. Son*, 2023:
Impact of urban heat island on daily and sub-daily monsoon
rainfall variabilities in East Asian megacities,
Climate Dynamics, 61, 19-32
- Hong, Y., S.-Y. Wang, S.-W. Son, J.-H. Jeong, S. Kim, B. Kim,
H. Kim, and J.-H. Yoon, 2023:
Arctic-associated increased fluctuations of midlatitude winter
temperature in the 1.5 and 2.0 warmer world,
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6, 26,
- Koo, M.-S., K. Song, J.-E. E. Kim, S.-W. Son*, E.-C. Chang,
J.-H. Jeong, H. Kim, B.-W. Moon, R. J. Park, S.-W. Yeh, C. Yoo,
and S.-Y. Hong, 2023:
The Global/Regional Integrated Model system (GRIMs):
An update and seasonal evaluation,
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 59, 113-132
- Oh, S.-G., C. Park, S.-W. Son*, J. Ko, K. Shin, S. Kim,
and H. Lee, 2023:
Evaluation of deep-learning-based very short-term rainfall
forecasts in South Korea,
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 59, 239-255
- Zhao, Y., S.-W. Son*, and S.-Y. Back, 2023:
The critical role of the upper-level synoptic disturbance
on the China Henan "21.7" extreme precipitation event,
SOLA, 42-49
- Park, C.-H., J. Choi*, S.-W. Son*, D. Kim, S.-W. Yeh, and
J.-S. Kug, 2023:
Sub-seasonal variability of ENSO teleconnections in western
North America and its prediction skill,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 128, e2022JD037985
- Lee, J., J.-H. Kim, R. D. Sharman, J. Kim, and S.-W. Son, 2023:
Climatology of clear-air turbulence in upper troposphere and
lower stratosphere in the Northern Hemisphere using ERA5
reanalysis data,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 128, e2022JD037679
- Kim, S.-Y., and S.-W. Son*, 2023:
Opposing shifts of the Hadley-cell edge and eddy-driven jet latitude
in the Last Glacial Maximum: a parameter sweep study using
a dynamical core GCM,
Journal of Climate, 36, 885-898,
- Garfinkel, C. I., I. White, E. P. Gerber, S.-W. Son, and
M. Jucker, 2023:
Stationary waves weaken and delay the near-surface
response to stratospheric ozone depletion,
Journal of Climate, 36, 565-583,
- Zhao, Y., C. Park, and S.-W. Son*, 2023:
Importance of diabatic heating for the eastward-moving
heavy rainfall events along the Yangtze River, China,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 80, 151-165,
- [In Korean]
Ho, C.-H., B.-G. Kim, B.-M. Kim, D.-S. R. Park,
C.-K. Park, S.-W. Son, J.-H. Jeong, and D.-H. Cha, 2023:
Review of the weather hazard research: focused on typhoon,
heavy rain, drought, heat waves, cold surge, heavy snow, and strong
Atmosphere-KOREA, 33, 223-246
- [In Korean]
Choi, J., S.-H. Im, S.-W. Son, K.-O. Boo, and J. Lee, 2023:
Assessment of near-term climate prediction of DePreSys4 in East Asia,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 33, 355-365
- [In Korean]
Kim, B.-S., M.-S. Koo, and S.-W. Son*, 2023:
Evaluation of accuracy and efficiency of Double Fourier Series (DFS)
spectral dynamical core,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 33, 387-398
- [In Korean]
Kim, G., S.-Y. Back, Y. Kwon, and S.-W. Son*, 2023:
Comparison of Atmospheric River detection algorithms in East Asia,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 33, 399-411
- [In Korean]
Hong, D.-C., H.-S. Park, S.-W. Son*, J. Kim,
J. Lee, and Y.-K. Hyun, 2023:
Downward influences of Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) in GloSea6:
2018 SSW case study,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 33, 493-503
- [In Korean]
Kim, Y.-A., J. Choi, and S.-W. Son, 2023:
Impacts of Carbon Neutrality and Air Quality Control on
Near-term Climate Change in East Asia,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 22, 505-517
2022 [27(8)/3(2)/1]
- Jung, M.-I., S.-W. Son*, H. Kim, and D. Chen, 2022:
Tropical modulation of East Asia air pollution,
Nature Communications, 13, 5580
- Kug, J.-S., J.-H. Oh, S.-I. An, S.-W. Yeh, S.-K. Min, S.-W. Son,
J.-H. Kam, Y.-G. Ham, and J. Shin, 2022:
Hysteresis of the Intertropical Convergence Zone to CO2 forcing,
Nature Climate Change, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-021-01211-6
- Kang, M.-J., H.-Y. Chun, S.-W. Son, R. R. Garcia, S.-I., An, and
S.-H. Park, 2021:
Role of tropical lower stratosphere winds in Quasi-Biennial
Oscillation disruptions,
Science Advances, 8, eabm7229, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abm7229
- Son, S.-W., J. Shin, H.-S. Park, and J. Choi, 2022:
The relationship between the zonal index and annular mode index in reanalysis and CMIP5 models,
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 58, 117-126
- Lee, S., R. J. Park, S.-Y. Hong, M.-S. Koo, J. I. Jeong, S.-W. Yeh,
and S.-W. Son, 2023:
A new chemistry-climate model GRIMs-CCM: Model evaluation of
interactive chemistry-meteorology simulations,
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 58, 647-666
- Jo, S.-Y., M.-G. Seong, S.-K. Min, J.-S. Kug, S.-W. Yeh,
S.-I. An, S.-W. Son, and J. Shin, 2022:
Hysteresis behaviors in East Asian extreme precipitation
frequency to CO2 pathway,
Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL099814
- Kang, M.-J., S.-W. Son, and H.-Y. Chun, 2022:
Distinct Upward Propagation of the Westerly
QBO in Winter 2015/16
and its Relationship with Brewer-Dobson Circulation,
Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL100101
- Lawrence, Z. D., M. Abalos, B. Ayarzaguena, D. Barriopedro,
A. H. Butler, N. Calvo, A. de la Camara, A. Charlton-Perez,
D. I. V. Domeisen, E. Dunn-Sigouin, J. Garcia-Serrano,
C. I. Garfinkel, N. P. Hindley, L. Jia, M. Jucker,
A. Y. Karpechko, H. Kim, A. L. Lang, S. H. Lee, P. Lin,
M. Osman, F. M. Palmeiro, J. Perlwitz, I. Polichtchouk,
J. H. Richter, C. Schwartz, S.-W. Son, I. Statnaia, M. Taguchi,
N. L. Tyrrell, C. J. Wright, and R. W.-Y. Wu, 2022:
Quantifying stratospheric biases and identifying
their potential sources in subseasonal forecast systems,
Weather and Climate Dynamics, 3, 977-1001, https://doi.org/10.5194/wcd-3-977-2022
- Lee, J., J. Hwang, S.-W. Son*, and J. R. Gyakum, 2022:
Future changes of East Asian extratropical
cyclones in the CMIP5 models,
Journal of Climate, 35, 3311-3321, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0945.1
- Sung, M.-K., S.-W. Son, C. Yoo, J. Hwang, and S.-I. An, 2021:
Dynamics of two distinct subseasonal growth of
the North Pacific Oscillation,
Journal of Climate, 35, 3141-3156, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0837.1
- An, S.-I., S.-E. Park, J. Shin, Y.-M. Yang, S.-W. Yeh, S.-W. Son,
and J.-S. Kug, 2022:
General circulation and global energy transport
in a quadrupling CO2 pulse Experiment,
Scientific Report, 12, 11569.
- Oh, H., S.-I. An, J. Shin, S.-W. Yeh, S.-K. Min, S.-W.
Son, and J.-S. Kug, 2021:
Contrasting Hysteresis Behavior of the Northern Hemisphere
Land Monsoon Precipitations to CO2 Pathways,
Earth's Future, 10, e2021EF002623
- Cho, H.-O., M.-J. Kang, S.-W. Son*, D.-C. Hong,
and J. M. Kang, 2022:
A critical role of the North Pacific bomb cyclones in the onset
of the 2021 sudden stratospheric warming,
Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL099245
- Lim, Y. and S.-W. Son*, 2022:
QBO wind influence on MJO-induced temperature anomalies
in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere in an idealized model,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 79, 2051-2060, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-21-0296.1
- Oh, J., S.-W. Son*, J. Choi, E.-P. Lim,
C. Garfinkel, H. Hendon, Y. Kim, and H.-S. Kang, 2022:
Impact of stratospheric ozone on the subseasonal prediction in
the Southern Hemisphere spring,
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 25,
- Choi, J., and S.-W. Son*, 2022:
Seasonal-to-decadal prediction of El Nino-Southern
Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation,
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 5, 29,
- Domeisen, D. I. V., C. White, H. Afargan-Gerstman,
A. G. Munoz, M. A. Janiga, F. Vitart, C. O. Wulff,
S. Antoine, C. Ardilouze, L. Batte, H. C. Bloomfield,
D. Brayshaw, S. J. Camargo, A. Charlton-Perez, D. Collins,
T. Cowan, M. del Mar Chaves, L. Ferranti, R. Gomez, P. L. M. Gonzalez,
C. G. Romero, J. M. Infanti, S. Karozis, H. Kim, E. W. Kolstad,
E. LaJoie, L. Lledo, L. Magnusson, P. Malguzzi, A. Manrique-Sunen,
D. Mastrangelo, S. Materia, H. Medina, L. Palma, L. E. Pineda,
A. Sfetsos, S.-W. Son, A. Soret, S. Strazzo, and D. Tian, 2022:
Advances in the subseasonal prediction of
extreme events: Relevant case studies across the globe,
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,
103, E1473-E1501, https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0221.1
- Shin, Y., J.-H. Kim, H.-Y. Chun, W. Jang, and S.-W. Son, 2022:
Classification of synoptic patterns with mesoscale
mechanisms for downslope windstorms in Korea using a self-organizing map,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 127, e2021JD035867
- Min, S.-K., S.-Y. Jo, M.-G. Seong, Y.-H. Kim, S.-W. Son,
Y.-H. Byun, F. C. Lott, and P. A. Stott, 2022:
Human contribution to the 2020 summer successive
hot-wet extremes in South Korea,
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,
103, S90-97, http://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0144.1
- Park, C.-H., S.-W. Son*, Y. Lim, and J. Choi, 2022:
Quasi-biennial oscillation-related surface
air temperature change over the western North Pacific in late winter,
International Journal of Climatology, 30, 4351-4359
- Hwang, J., S.-W. Son*, P. Martineau, and D. Barriopedro, 2022:
Impact of winter blocking on surface air temperature in East Asia:
Ural versus Okhotsk blocking,
Climate Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06204-5
- Ko, J., K. Lee, H. Hwang, S.-G. Oh, S.-W. Son, and K. Shin, 2022:
Effective training strategies for deep-learning-based
precipitation nowcasting and estimation,
Computers and Geosciences, 161, 105072
- Scaife, A. A., M. P. Baldwin, A. H. Butler, A. J. Charlton-Perez,
D. I. V. Domeisen, C. I. Garfinkel, S. C. Hardiman, P. Haynes,
A. Y. Karpechko, E.-P. Lim, S. Noguchi, J. Perlwitz, L. Polvani,
J. H. Richter, J. Scinocca, M. Sigmond, T. G. Shepherd,
S.-W. Son, and D. W. J. Thompson, 2022:
Long-range prediction and the stratosphere,
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, 2601-2623
- Yeo, H., M.-H. Kim, S.-W. Son, J.-H. Jeong, J.-H. Yoon,
B.-M. Kim, and S.-W. Kim, 2022:
Arctic cloud properties and associated radiative effects
in the three newer reanalysis datasets (ERA5, MERRA-2, JRA-55):
Discrepancies and possible causes,
Atmospheric Research, 270, 106080
- Minola, L., H. Reese, H.-W. Lai, C. Azorin-Molina, J. A. Guijarro,
S.-W. Son, and D. Chen, 2022:
Wind stilling-reversal across Sweden: The impact of land-use and large-scale atmospheric circulation changes,
International Journal of Climatology, 42, 1049-1071
- Park, I.-H., S.-W. Yeh, S.-K. Min and S.-W. Son, 2022:
Emergent constraints on future expansion of the Indo-Pacific warm pool,
Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL097343
Song, S.-Y., S.-W. Yeh, S.-I. An, J.-S. Kug, S.-K. Min, S.-W. Son,
and J. Shin, 2022:
Asymmetrical response of summer rainfall in East Asia to
CO2 forcing, Science Bulletin, 67, 213-222
- [Report Chapter]
Gerber, E. P., P. Martineau, B. Ayarzaguena, D. Barriopedro,
T. J. Bracegirdle, A. H. Butler, N. Calvo, S. C. Hardiman,
P. Hitchcock, M. Iza, U. Langematz, H. Lua, G. Marshall, A. Orr,
F. M. Palmeiro, S.-W. Son, and M. Taguchi, 2022:
Extratropical stratosphere-troposphere coupling, Chapter 6 in the
SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP) Final Report,
M. Fujiwara, G. L. Manney, L. Gray, and J. S. Wright (Eds.),
SPARC Report No. 10, WCRP-6/2021, doi: 10.17874/800dee57d13
- [In Korean]
Park, C.-H. and S.-W. Son*, 2022:
Relationship between the QBO and Surface Air Temperature in the Korean
Peninsula, Atmosphere-KOREA, 32, 39-49
- [In Korean]
Kwon, Y., C. Park, S.-Y. Back, S.-W. Son, J. Kim, and
E.-J. Cha, 2022:
Influence of Atmospheric Rivers on Regional Precipitation in South
Korea, Atmosphere-KOREA, 32, 135-148
- [In Korean]
Oh, J., S.-W. Son*, and S.-Y. Back, 2022:
Influence of UTLS Ozone on the QBO-MJO Connection:
A Case Study using the GloSea5 model,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 32, 223-233
2021 [22(7)/8(2)]
- Martin, Z.*, S.-W. Son*, A. Butler, H. Hendon, H. Kim,
A. Sobel, S. Yoden, and C. Zhang, 2021:
The influence of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation on the Madden-Julian Oscillation,
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, https://doi.org/10.1038/s43017-021-00173-9.
- Kim, H., Y. G. Ham, Y. S. Joo, and S.-W. Son, 2021:
Deep Learning for bias correction of MJO prediction,
Nature Communications, 12, 3087.
- Oh, S.-G., S.-W. Son*, and S.-K. Min, 2021:
Possible impact of urbanization on extreme
precipitation-temperature relationship in East Asian megacities,
Weather and Climate Extremes, 34, 100401.
- Patra, A., S.-K. Min, S.-W. Son, and S.-W. Yeh, 2021:
Hemispheric asymmetry in future wave power changes:
Seasonality and physical mechanisms,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Ocean, 126, e2021JC017687.
- Jang, Y.-S., S.-Y. Jun, S.-W. Son, S.-K. Min, and J.-S. Kug, 2021:
Delayed impacts of Arctic sea-ice loss on Eurasian severe cold winters,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 126, e2021JD035286.
- Park, C., S.-W. Son, J. Kim, E.-C. Chang, J.-H. Kim,
E. Jo, D.-H. Cha and S.-J. Jeong, 2021:
Diverse synoptic weather patterns of warm-season heavy rainfall
events in South Korea,
Monthly Weather Review, 149, 3875-3893.
Ham, Y.-G., J.-G. Kim, J.-G. Lee, T. Li, M.-I. Lee,
S.-W. Son, and Y.-K. Hyun, 2021:
The origin of systematic forecast errors of extreme
2020 East Asian summer monsoon rainfall in GloSea5,
Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094179.
Jeong, Y.-C., S.-W. Yeh, S. Lee, R. J. Park, and S.-W. Son, 2021:
Impact of the stratospheric ozone on the Northern Hemisphere surface
climate during boreal winter,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 126, e2021JD034958.
- Ryu, Y., H. Moon, J. Kim, T.-J. Kim, K.-O. Boo, B. Guan,
Y. Kamae, W. Mei, C. Park, and S.-W. Son, 2021:
A multi-inventory ensemble analysis of the effects of
atmospheric rivers on precipitation and streamflow in the
Namgang-dam basin in Korea,
Water Resources Research, 57, e2021WR030058.
An, S.-I, J. Shin, S.-W. Yeh, S.-W. Son, J.-S. Kug, S.-K. Min,
H.-J. Kim, 2021:
Global cooling hiatus driven by an AMOC overshoot in a carbon dioxide removal scenario,
Earth's Future, 9, e2021EF002165.
- Mengist, C. K., K.-H. Seo, R. Ding, and S.-W. Son, 2021:
Potential predictability of the MJO during easterly and westerly
phases of the QBO,
Climate Dynamics, 57, 717-726.
- Park, C., S.-W. Son*, H. Kim, Y.-G. Ham,
J. Kim, D.-H. Cha, E.-C. Chang, G. Lee, J.-S. Kug, W.-S. Lee,
.Y.-Y. Lee, H. C. Lee, and B. Lim, 2021:
Record-breaking summer rainfall in South Korea in 2020:
Synoptic characteristics and the role of large-scale circulations,
Monthly Weather Review, 149, 3085-3100.
- Minola, L., C. Azorin-Molina, J. A. Guijarro, G. Zhang,
S.-W. Son, and D. Chen, 2021:
Climatology of near-surface daily peak wind gusts across
Scandinavia: observations and model simulations,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 126, e2020JD033534.
- Kang, J. M., and S.-W. Son*, 2021:
Development processes of the explosive cyclones over the Northwest
Pacific: potential vorticity tendency inversion,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 78,1913-1930.
- Park, C., S.-W. Son*, and J.-H. Kim, 2021:
Role of baroclinic trough in triggering vertical motion during summertime heavy rainfall events in Korea,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 78, 1687-1702.
- Park, C., S.-W. Son*, and H. Kim, 2021:
Distinct features of atmospheric rivers in the early
versus late East Asian summer monsoon and their impacts on monsoon
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 126, e2020JD033537.
- Kim, H.-J., S.-W. Son*, W. Moon, J.-S. Kug, and J. Hwang, 2021:
relationship between Arctic and Eurasian surface air temperature,
Scientific Reports, 11, 4081. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-83486-5.
- Son, J.-H., K.-H. Seo, S.-W. Son, and D.-H. Cha, 2021:
How does Indian monsoon regulate the Northern Hemisphere
stationary wave pattern?,
Frontiers in Earth Science, 8:599745. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.599745.
- Sung, M.-K., S.-W. Son, C. Yoo, J. Hwang, and
S.-I. An, 2021:
Seesawing of winter temperature extremes between East Asia and North America,
Journal of Climate, 34, 4423-4434.
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B. Trewin, A. J. Frost, G. Zhang, L. Minola, S.-W. Son, K. Deng,
and D. Chen, 2021:
A decline of observed daily peak wind gusts with distinct seasonality in Australia, 1941-2016,
Journal of Climate, 34, 3103-3127.
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M. J. Alexander, S. P. Alexander, R. Biondi, T. Birner,
J. Kim, W. J. Randel, S.-W. Son, T. Tsuda, and Z. Zeng, 2021:
Tropical temperature variability in the UTLS: New insights
from GPS radio occultation observations,
Journal of Climate, 34, 2813-2838.
- Zhao, Y., D. Chen, Y. Deng, S.-W. Son, X. Wang, D. Di, M. Pan,
and X. Ma, 2021:
How were the eastward-moving heavy rainfall events from the Tibetan Plateau to the lower reaches of the Yangtze River enhanced?,
Journal of Climate, 34, 607-620.
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Choi, Y.-J., C.-H. Park, S.-W. Son, and
H.-J. Kim, 2021:
Long-Term Trend of Surface Wind Speed in Korea: Physical
and Statistical Homogenizations,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 31, 553-562.
- [In Korean]
Oh, S.-G., S.-W. Son, S. Kim, J. S. Park, and J.-W. Lee, 2021:
Quality Check of IoT-based Surface Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, and Precipitation Detection Observations: Focusing on Seoul in 2020 Summer,
Journal of Climate Research, 16, 247-263.
- [In Korean]
Kim, S.-Y., S. Park, S.-W. Son, 2021:
Evaluation of the Total Column Ozone and Tropospheric Ozone in the CCMI-1 Models over East Asia,
Journal of Climate Change Research, 12, 215-229.
- [In Korean]
Gang, D.-W., H.-O. Cho, S.-W. Son, J. Lee, Y.-K. Hyun,
and K.-O. Boo, 2021:
Evaluation of Sea Surface Temperature Prediction Skill around the Korean
Peninsula in GloSea5 Hindcast: Improvement with Bias Correction,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 31, 215-227. [UGTh]
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Lee, J.-W., S.-W. Son, S.-Y. Kim, and K. Song, 2021:
The Sensitivity of the Extratropical Jet to the stratospheric mean state
in a Dynamic-core General Circulation Model, Atmosphere-KOREA, 31, 171-183. [UGTh]
- [In Korean]
Choi, Y.-J., C.-H. Park, S.-W. Son*, J.-W. Lee, and D.-C. Hong, 2021:
Long-term trend of surface wind speed in Korea: Anemometer height adjustment, Atmosphere-KOREA, 31, 101-112.
- [In Korean]
Jun, Y.-J., K. Song, and S.-W. Son*, 2021:
Decadal changes in the relationship between Arctic Oscillation and surface air temperature over Korea, Atmosphere-KOREA, 31, 61-71.
- [In Korean]
Kim, D., J. Lee, J. M. Kang, and S.-W. Son, 2021:
Synoptic Structure and Precipitation impact of extratropical cyclones influencing on East Asia megacities: Seoul, Beijing, Tokyo, Atmosphere-KOREA, 31, 45-60.
2020 [16(12)/2(1)]
- Son, S.-W.*, H. Kim, K. Song, S.-W. Kim,
P. Martineau, Y.-K. Hyun, and Y. Kim, 2020:
Extratropical prediction skill of the subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) prediction models, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD031273. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JD031273
- Back, S.-Y., J.-Y. Han, and S.-W. Son*, 2020:
Modelling evidence of QBO-MJO connection: A
case study,
Geophysical Research Letters, 20, e2020GL089480.
- Park, S., S.-W. Son*, M.-I. Jung, J. Park, and
S. S. Park, 2020: Evaluation
of tropospheric ozone reanalyses with independent ozonesonde observations in East Asia,
Geoscience Letters, 7, 12.
- Staten, P. W., K. M. Grise, S. M. Davis, K. B. Karnauskas,
D. W. Waugh, A. Maycock, Q. Fu, K. Cook, O. Adam, I. Simpson,
R. J. Allen, K. Rosenlof, G. Chen, C. C. Ummenhofer, X.-W.
Quan, J. P. Kossin, N. A. Davis, S.-W. Son, 2020:
Tropical widening: from global variations to regional
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101, E897-E904.
- Song, K., S.-W. Son*, and A. Charlton-Perez, 2020:
Deterministic prediction of stratospheric sudden warming events in the Global/Regional Integrated Model system (GRIMs),
Climate Dynamics, 55, 1209-1223.
- Hwang, J., P. Martineau, S.-W. Son*, T. Miyasaka,
and H. Nakamura, 2020:
The role of transient eddies in North
Pacific blocking formation and its seasonality,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 77, 2453-2470.
- Lim, Y., and S.-W. Son*, 2020:
QBO-MJO connection in CMIP5 models,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 125,
e2019JD032157, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JD032157.
- Kim, S.-Y., and S.-W. Son*, 2020:
Breakdown of linear relationship between the Southern Hemisphere Hadley cell and jet latitude changes in the Last Glacial Maximum,
Journal of Climate, 33, 5713-5725.
- Zhang, G., C. Azorin-Molina, D. Chen, J. A. Guijarro, F. Kong,
L. Minola, T. R. McVicar, S.-W. Son, and P. Shi, 2020:
Variability of daily maximum wind speed across China, 1975-2016: An
examination of likely causes, Journal of Climate, 33, 2793-2816. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0603.1
- Kim, H., S.-W. Son*, and C. Yoo, 2020:
QBO modulation of the MJO-related precipitation in East Asia, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD031929. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JD031929.
- Kang, J. M., J. Lee, S.-W. Son*, J. Kim, and
D. Chen, 2020: The rapid intensification of East Asian cyclones around the Korean Peninsula and their surface impacts, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD031632. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JD031632
- Domeisen, D. I. V., A. H. Butler, A. J. Charlton-Perez,
B. Ayarzaguena, M. P. Baldwin, E. Dunn-Sigouin, J. C. Furtado,
C. I. Garfinkel, P. Hitchcock, A. Y. Karpechko, H. Kim,
J. Knight, A. L. Lang, E.-P. Lim, A. Marshall, G. Rolff,
C. Schwartz, I. R. Simpson, S.-W. Son, and M. Taguchi, 2020:
The role of the stratosphere in sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction. Part I: Predictability of the stratosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD030920. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JD030920
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B. Ayarzaguena, M. P. Baldwin, E. Dunn-Sigouin, J. C. Furtado,
C. I. Garfinkel, P. Hitchcock, A. Y. Karpechko, H. Kim,
J. Knight, A. L. Lang, E.-P. Lim, A. Marshall, G. Rolff,
C. Schwartz, I. R. Simpson, S.-W. Son, and M. Taguchi, 2020:
The role of the stratosphere in sub-seasonal to seasonal
prediction. Part II: Predictability arising from
stratosphere-troposphere coupling, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD030923. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JD030923
- Lee, J., S.-W. Son*, H.-O. Cho, J. Kim,
D.-H. Cha, J. Gyakum, and D. Chen, 2020:
Extratropical cyclones over East Asia: Climatology,
seasonal cycle and long-term trend, Climate Dynamics,
54, 1131-11144. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-019-05048-w
- Kim, H. and S.-W. Son*, 2020:
Eurasian winter temperature change in recent decades and its
association with Arctic sea ice loss,
Polar Research, 39. https://doi.org/10.33265/polar.v39.3363
- Jo, E., C. Park, S.-W. Son*, J.-W. Roh, G. Lee and Y. H. Lee, 2020:
Classification of localized heavy rainfall events in South Korea,
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Science, 56, 77-88.
- [In Korean]
Hwang, J., H.-O. Cho, Y. Lim, S.-W. Son*,
E.-J. Kim, J.-O. Lim, and K.-O. Boo, 2020:
Extratropical Prediction Skill of KMA GDAPS in January
2019, Atmosphere-KOREA, 30, 115-124.
- [In Korean]
Lee, J.-W., M.-S. Park, W.-S. Won, and S.-W. Son, 2020:
A study on the monitoring of high-density fine particulate matters using W-station: Case of Jeju island, The Journal of the Korean Association for Particle and Aerosol Research, 16, 31-47.
- Park, H., S.-J. Kim, A. L. Stewart, S.-W. Son, and K.-H. Seo, 2019:
Mid-Holocene Northern Hemisphere warming driven by Arctic
amplification, Science Advances, 5, eaax8203.
- Choi, J., and S.-W. Son, 2019:
Stratospheric initial condition for skillful surface
prediction in the ECMWF model, Geophysical Research
Letters, 21, 12556-12564.
- Jung, M.-I., S.-W. Son, H. C. Kim, S. W. Kim, R. Park, and
D. Chen, 2019:
Contrasting synoptic weather patterns between non-dust high particulate matter events and Asian dust events in Seoul, South Korea,
Atmospheric Environment, 214, 116864.
- Kim, J., D.-H. Cha, Y. Choi, J. Kim and S.-W. Son, 2019:
Impacts of the East Asian winter monsoon and local sea surface temperature on heavy snowfall over the Yeongdong region,
Journal of Climate, 32, 6783-6802.
- Kim, M. J., S.-W. Yeh, R. J. Park, S.-W. Son, B.-K. Moon,
B.-G. Kim, J.-J. Kim, and S.-W. Kim, 2019:
Regional Arctic amplification by a fast atmospheric response to
anthropogenic sulphate aerosol forcing in China,
Journal of Climate, 32, 6337-6348.
- Garfinkel, C. I., C. Schwartz, D. I. V. Domeisen, A. H. Butler,
S.-W. Son, and I. P. White, 2019:
Weakening of the teleconnection from El Nino-Southern Oscillation
to the Arctic stratosphere over the past few decades: what can be
learned from subseasonal forecast models?,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 124, 7683-7696.
- Chang, M., C.-H. Ho, J. C. L. Chan, M.-S. Park, S.-W. Son, and J. Kim, 2019:
The tropical transition in the western North Pacific: the case of
tropical cyclone Peipah (2007),
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 124,
- Lim, Y., S.-W. Son, A. G. Marshall, H. H. Hendon, and
K.-H. Seo, 2019:
Influence of the QBO on MJO prediction skill in the
subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction models,
Climate Dynamics, 53, 1681-1695.
- Choi, J., S.-W. Son, and R. Park, 2019:
Aerosol versus greenhouse gas impacts on the Southern Hemisphere
general circulation changes,
Climate Dynamics, 52, 4127-4142.
- Yoo, Y.-E., S.-W. Son, J.-H. Lee, and S.-K. Min, 2019:
Abrupt decrease of wintertime cold nights in Korea in the late
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Science, 55, 31-39.
- [Book Chapter] Butler, A., A. Charlton-Perez,
D. I. V. Domeisen, C. Garfinkel, E. P. Gerber, P. Hitchcock,
A. Y. Karpechko, A. C. Maycock, M. Sigmond, I. Simpson, and S.-W. Son, 2019:
Sub-seasonal predictability and the stratosphere,
Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction, A. W. Robertson and F. Vitart Ed.,
Elsevier, pp569.
- [In Korean]
Cho, C., S.-Y. Kim, and S.-W. Son, 2019:
The response of Hadley Cell and jet stream to Earth's
rotation rate,
Journal of Korean Earth Science Society, 40, 203-211.
- [In Korean]
Park, J., S.-Y. Kim, and S.-W. Son, 2019:
Evaluation of the tropospheric ozone in the reanalysis
datasets: Comparison with Pohang ozonesonde observation,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 29, 53-59.
- [In Korean]
Han, B.-R., J. Oh, S. Park, and S.-W. Son, 2019:
Evaluation of the total column ozone in the reanalysis
datasets over East Asia, Atmosphere-KOREA, 29, 659-669.
- Son, S.-W., B.-R. Han, C. I. Garfinkel, R. Park, S.-Y. Kim, and
CCMI PIs, 2018:
Tropospheric jet response to Antarctic ozone depletion: An update
with Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI) models,
Environmental Research Letters, 13, 054024.
- Son, S.-W., S.-Y. Kim, and S.-K. Min, 2018:
Widening of the Hadley cell from Last Glacial Maximum (LGM)
to future climate,
Journal of Climate, 31, 267-281.
- Park, H.-S., S.-J. Kim, K.-H. Seo, A. L. Stewart, S.-Y. Kim,
and S.-W. Son, 2018:
The impact of Arctic sea ice loss on mid-Holocene climate,
Nature Communications, 9:4571, doi:10.1038/s41467-018-07068-2.
- Zhang, J., W. Tian, F. Xie, M. P. Chipperfield, W. Feng,
S.-W. Son, N. L. Abraham, A. T. Archibald, S. Bekki,
N. Butchart, M. Deushi, S. Dhomse, Y. Han, P. Jockel,
D. Kinnison, O. Kirner, M. Michou, O. Morgenstern,
F. M. O'Connor, G. Pitari, D. A. Plummer, L. E. Revell,
E. Rozanov, D. Visioni, W. Wang, and G. Zeng, 2018:
Stratospheric ozone loss over the Eurasian continent induced by the polar vortex shift,
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- Song, K., and S.-W. Son, 2018:
Revisiting the ENSO-SSW relationship,
Journal of Climate, 31, 2133-2143.
- Lim, Y., S.-W. Son, and D. Kim, 2018:
prediction skill of the subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction models,
Journal of Climate, 31, 4075-4094.
- Waugh, D. W., K. M. Grise, W. Seviour, S. M. Davis, N. Davis,
O. Adam, S.-W. Son, I. R. Simpson, P. W. Staten, A. C. Maycock, C.
C. Ummenhofer, T. Birner, and A. Ming, 2018:
Revisiting the relationship among metrics of tropical expansion,
Journal of Climate, 31, 7565-7581.
- Oh, J., S.-W. Son, K. Williams, D. Walters, J. Kim, M. Willett,
P. Earnshaw, A. Bushell, Y. Kim, and J. Kim, 2018:
Ozone sensitivity of tropical upper-troposphere and stratosphere
temperature in the MetOffice Unified Model,
Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society, 144, 2001-2009.
- Woollings, T., D. Barriopedro, J. Methven, S.-W. Son, O. Martius,
B. Harvey, J. Sillmann, A. R. Lupo, and S. Seneviratne, 2018:
Blocking and its response to climate change,
Current Climate Change Reports, 4, 287-300.
- Garfinkel, C. I., C. Schwartz, D. I. V. Domeisen, S.-W. Son,
A. H. Butler, and I. P. White, 2018:
Extratropical atmospheric predictability from Quasi-Biennial
Oscillation in subseasonal forecast models,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 123, 7855-7866.
- Wang, J., H.-M. Kim, E. K. M. Chang, and S.-W. Son, 2018:
Modulation of the MJO and North Pacific storm track relationship by the QBO,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 123, 3976-3992.
- Martineau, P., S.-W. Son, M. Taguchi, and A. H. Butler, 2018:
A comparison of the momentum budget in reanalysis
datasets during sudden stratospheric warming events,
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 7169-7187.
- Cho, H.-O., S.-W. Son, and D.-S. R. Park, 2018:
Springtime extratropical cyclones in Northeast Asia and their
impacts on long-term precipitation trends, International
Journal of Climatology, 38, 4043-4050.
- Martineau, P., G. Chen, S.-W. Son, and J. Kim, 2018:
Lower-stratospheric control of the frequency of sudden stratospheric warming events,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 123,
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SPARC local workshop on "WCRP grand challenges and regional
climate change",
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 35, 624-627.
- [In Korean]
Back, S.-Y., S.-W. Kim, M.-I. Jung, J.-W. Roh, and S.-W. Son, 2018:
Classification of heat wave events in Seoul by using self-organizing map,
Journal of Climate Change Research, 9, 209-221.
- [In Korean]
Park, C.-H., S.-W. Son, and J. Choi, 2018:
Granger Causality Test between ENSO and Winter Climate Variability over the Korean Peninsula,
Journal of Climate Change Research, 9, 171-179.
- [In Korean]
Kim, S.-W., K. Song, Y.-E. Yoo, S.-W. Son, and S.-J. Jeong, 2018:
Long-term Trend Analysis of Extreme Temperatures in East Asia Using Quantile Regression,
Journal of Climate Change Research, 9, 157-169.
- [In Korean]
Roh, J.-W., H.-O. Cho, S.-W. Son,
H.-J. Baek, K.-O. Boo, and J.-K. Lee, 2018:
Predictability of Northern Hemisphere blocking in the KMA GDAPS during
Atmosphere-KOREA, 28, 403-414.
- [In Korean]
Han, B.-R. , Y. Lim, H.-J. Kim, and S.-W. Son, 2018:
Development and Evaluation of Statistical Prediction Model of Monthly-Mean Winter Surface Air Temperature in Korea,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 28, 153-162.
- [In Korean]
Kim, S.-W., H. Kim, K. Song, S.-W. Son,
Y. Lim, H.-S. Kang, and Y.-K. Hyun, 2018:
Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Prediction Skills of
GloSea5 Model: Part 1. Geopotential Height in the Northern
Hemisphere Extratropics, Atmosphere-KOREA, 28,
- [In Korean]
Song, K., H. Kim, S.-W. Son, S.-W. Kim, H.-S. Kang, and Y.-K. Hyun, 2018:
Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Prediction Skills of Glosea5 Model: Part2. Stratospheric Sudden Warming, Atmosphere-KOREA, 28, 123-139.
- [In Korean]
Kim, H., S.-W. Son, K. Song, S.-W. Kim, and H.-S. Kang, and Y.-K. Hyun, 2018:
Prediction Skill of GloSea5 model for Stratospheric Polar Vortex Intensification Events , Journal of Korean Earth Science Society, 39, 211-227.
- Son, S.-W., Y. Lim, C. Yoo, H. H. Hendon, and J. Kim, 2017:
Stratospheric control of Madden-Julian Oscillation,
Journal of Climate, 30, 1909-1922.
- Kim, J., S.-W. Son, E. P. Gerber, and H.-S. Park, 2017:
Defining sudden stratospheric warming in climate models: Accounting for
biases in model climatologies,
Journal of Climate, 30, 5529-5546.
- Henderson, S. A., E. D. Maloney, and S.-W. Son, 2017:
Madden-Julian Oscillation Pacific teleconnections: The impact of the basic state and MJO representation in General Circulation Models,
Journal of Climate, 30, 4567-4587.
- Kim, H.-C., S. Kim, B.-U. Kim, C.-S. Jin, R. Park, S.-W. Son,
C. Bae, M. Bae, C.-K. Song, and A. Stein, 2017:
Recent increase of
surface particulate matter concentrations in the Seoul
Metropolitan area, Korea,
Scientific Reports, 7, 4710.
- Kim, Y.-H., S.-K. Min, S.-W. Son, and J. Choi, 2017:
Attribution of the local Hadley cell widening in the Southern Hemisphere,
Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 1015-1024.
- Garfinkel, C. I., S.-W. Son, K. Song, V. Aguila, and L. D. Oman, 2017:
Stratospheric variability contributed to and sustained the recent hiatus in Eurasian winter warming,
Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 374-382.
- Marshall, A. G., H. H. Hendon, S.-W. Son, and
Y. Lim, 2017:
of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation on predictability of the
Madden-Julian Oscillation,
Climate Dynamics, 49, 1365-1377.
- Jeong, J.-H., H.-S. Lee, J.-H. Yoo, M.-H. Kwon, S.-W. Yeh,
J.-S. Kug, J.-Y. Lee, B.-M. Kim, S.-W. Son, S.-K. Min, H.-S. Lee,
W.-S. Lee, J.-H. Yoon, and H.-K. Kim, 2017:
The status and prospect of seasonal climate prediction of climate
over Korea and East Asia: a review,
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Science, 53, 149-173.
- Kim, K.-Y., and S.-W. Son, 2016:
Physical characteristics of
Eurasian winter temperature variability,
Environmental Research Letters, 11, 044009.
- Yoo, C., and S.-W. Son, 2016:
Modulation of the boreal
wintertime Madden-Julian Oscillation by the stratospheric
Quasi-Biennial Oscillation,
Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 1392-1398.
- Choi, J., S.-W. Son, K.-H. Seo, J.-Y. Lee, and H.-S. Kang,
Potential for long-lead prediction of the western North Pacific monsoon circulation beyond seasonal time scales,
Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 1736-1743.
- Choi, J., J. Lu, S.-W. Son, D. M. W. Frierson, J.-H. Yoon,
Uncertainty in future projections of the North Pacific
subtropical high and its implication for California winter precipitation change,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 121, 795-806.
- Choi, J., S.-W. Son, Y.-G. Ham, J.-Y. Lee, and H.-M. Kim,
Seasonal to interannual prediction skill of near-surface air temperature in
the CMIP5 decadal hindcast experiments,
Journal of Climate, 29, 1511-1527.
- Martineau, P., S.-W. Son, and M. Taguchi, 2016:
Dynamical consistency of reanalysis data sets in the
extratropical stratosphere,
Journal of Climate, 29, 3057-3074.
- Tripathi, O., M. P. Baldwin, A. Charlton-Perez, M. Charron,
J. C.H. Cheung, S. D. Eckermann, E. P. Gerber, D. R. Jackson,
Y. Kuroda, A. Lang, J. McLay, R. Mizuta, C. Reynolds, G. Roff, M. Sigmond, S.-W.
Son, T. Stockdale, 2016:
Examining the predictability of the Stratospheric Sudden Warming of
January 2013 using multiple NWP
Monthly Weather Review, 144, 1935-1960.
- Huang, Y., M. Zhang, Y. Xia, Y. Hu, and S.-W. Son, 2016:
Is there a stratospheric radiative feedback in global warming simulations?,
Climate Dynamics, 8, 759-762.
- [In Korean] Jung, M.-I., S.-W. Son, Y. Lim, K. Song, D. Won, and H.-S. Kang, 2016:
Assessment of
stratospheric prediction skill of the GloSea5 hindcast experiment,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 26, 203-214.
- [In Korean]
Jeong, J.-H., T.-W. Park, J.-H. Choi, S.-W. Son, K. Song,
J.-S. Kug, B.-M. Kim, H.-K. Kim, and S.-Y. Yim, 2016:
Assessment of climate variability over East Asia-Korea for 2015/16 winter,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 26, 337-345.
- [In Korean]
Lee, J., J. Kim, and S.-W. Son, 2016:
Climatic Features of Extratropical Cyclones during the Spring-time
Yellow Dust Events in Korea, Atmosphere-KOREA, 26,
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Park, M., Y. Choi , and S.-W. Son, 2016:
The Impact of Satellite Observations on Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation
in the Reanalysis Data: A Comparison Between JRA-55 and JRA-55C,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 26, 523-540. [UGTh]
- [In Korean]
Cho, H.-O., S.-W. Son, and Y.-H. Lee, 2016:
Spatio-temporal structure of diurnal and semidiurnal tides in
geopotential height field, Journal of the Korean Earth
Science Society, 37, 465-475. [UGTh]
- Kug, J.-S., J.-H. Jeong, Y.-S. Jang, B.-M. Kim, C. K. Folland,
S.-K. Min, and S.-W. Son, 2015:
Two distinct influences of Arctic warming on cold winters
over North America and East Asia,
Nature Geoscience, 8, 759-762.
- Kim, J. and S.-W. Son, 2015:
Formation and maintenance of the tropical cold point tropopause in a
dry dynamic-core GCM,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 72, 3097-3115.
- Martineau, P. and S.-W. Son, 2015:
Onset of circulation anomalies during stratospheric vortex
weakening events: the role of planetary-scale waves,
Journal of Climate, 28, 7347-7370
- Park, H.-S., S. Lee, Y. Kosaka, S.-W. Son and S.-W. Kim, 2015:
The impact of Arctic winter infrared radiation on early summer sea ice,
Journal of Climate, 28, 6281-6296.
- Park, H.-S., S. Lee, S.-W. Son, S. B. Feldstein, and
Y. Kosaka, 2015:
The impact of poleward moisture and sensible heat flux on Arctic
winter sea ice variability,
Journal of Climate, 28, 5030-5040.
- Woo, S.-H., M.-K. Sung, S.-W. Son, and J.-S. Kug, 2015:
Connection between weak stratospheric vortex events and the Pacific
Decadal Oscillation,
Climate Dynamics, 45, 3481-3492.
- Cote, H., K. M. Grise, S.-W. Son, R. de Elia, and A. Frigon,
Challenges of tracking extratropical cyclones in regional climate
Climate Dynamics, 44, 3101-3109.
- Plante, M., S.-W. Son, E. Atallah, J. Gyakum, and
K. M. Grise, 2015:
Extratropical cyclone climatology across Eastern
International Journal of Climatology, 35, 2759-2776.
- Tripathi, O. P., M. Baldwin, A. Charlton-Perez, M. Charron, S. Eckermann,
E. Gerber, R. G. Harrison, D. R. Jackson, B.-M. Kim, Y. Kuroda,
A. Lang, C. Lee, S. Mahmood, R. Mizuta, G. Roff, M. Sigmond,
S.-W. Son, 2015:
Review: The predictability of the extra-tropical Stratosphere and its impacts on
the skill of Tropospheric Forecasts,
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 141,
- Min, S-K., S.-W. Son, K.-H. Seo, J.-S. Kug, S.-I. An,
Y.-S. Choi, J.-H. Jeong, B.-M. Kim,
J.-W. Kim, Y.-H. Kim, J.-Y. Lee, M.-I. Lee, 2015:
Changes in weather and climate extremes over Korea and possible causes: A review,
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Science, 51, 103-121.
- [In Korean] Jung, M.-I., S.-W. Son, J. Choi, and H.-S. Kang, 2015:
Assessment of 6-month lead prediction skill of the GloSea5
hindcast experiment,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 25, 339-351.
- [In Korean] Song, K., S.-W. Son, and S.-H. Woo, 2015:
Impact of sudden stratospheric warming on the surface air
temperature in East Asia,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 25, 461-472.
- [In Korean] Yoo, Y.-E., S.-W. Son, H.-S. Kim, and J.-H. Jeong, 2015:
Synoptic characteristics of cold days over South Korea and
their relationship with large-scale climate variability,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 25, 435-447. [UGTh]
- Kim, B.-M., S.-W. Son, S.-K. Min, J.-H. Jeong,
S.-J. Kim, X. Zhang, T. Shim, J.-H. Yoon, 2014:
Weakening of the stratospheric polar vortex by Arctic sea-ice loss,
Nature Communications, 5, doi:10.1038/ncomms5646
- Gerber, E. P. and S.-W. Son, 2014:
Quantifying the summertime response of the austral jet stream and
Hadley cell to stratospheric ozone and greenhouse gases,
Journal of Climate, 27, 5538-5559.
- Choi, J., S.-W. Son, J. Lu, and S.-K. Min, 2014:
Further observational evidence of Hadley cell widening in the
Southern Hemisphere,
Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 2590-2597.
- Grise, K. M., S.-W. Son, G. J. P. Correa, L. M. Polvani, 2014:
The response of extratropical cyclones in the Southern Hemisphere to stratospheric
ozone depletion in the 20th Century,
Atmospheric Science Letters, 15, 29-36.
- Manzini, E., A. Yu. Karpechko, J. Anstey, M. P. Baldwin,
R. X. Black, C. Cagnazzo, N. Calvo, A. Charlton-Perez, B. Christiansen,
P. Davini, E. P. Gerber, M. Giorgetta, L. Gray, S. C. Hardiman,
Y.-Y. Lee, D. R. Marsh, B. A. McDaniel, A. Purich, A. A. Scaife,
D. Shindell, S.-W. Son, S. Watanabe, and G. Zappa, 2014:
Northern winter climate change: Assessment of uncertainty in CMIP5 projections related to stratosphere-troposphere coupling,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 119, 7979-7998.
- [Report Chapter] Arblaster, J. M., N. P. Gillett, N. Calvo,
P. M. Forster, L. M. Polvani, S.-W. Son, D. W. Waugh, P. J. Young, 2014:
Stratospheric Ozone Changes and Climate,
Chapter 4 in the Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2014, WMO Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project - Report No. 55.
- [In Korean] Kim, S.-W., K. Song, S.-Y. Kim, S.-W. Son, and C. Franzke, 2014:
Linear and nonlinear trends of extreme temperatures in Korea,
Atmosphere-KOREA, 24, 379-390. [UGTh]
- Son, S.-W., A. Purich, H. H. Hendon, B.-M. Kim, L. M. Polvani, 2013:
Improved seasonal forecast using ozone hole variability?,
Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 6231-6235.
- Martineau, P. and S.-W. Son, 2013:
Planetary-scale wave activity as a source of varying
tropospheric response to stratospheric sudden warming events: A case study,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 118, 10,994-11,006.
- Park, H.-S., S.-P. Xie, and S.-W. Son, 2013:
Poleward stationary eddy heat transport by the Tibetan Plateau
and equatorward shift of westerlies during northern winter,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 70, 3288-3301.
- Kang, S. M., L. M. Polvani, J. C. Fyfe, S.-W. Son,
M. Sigmond, G. J. P. Correa, 2013:
Modeling evidence that ozone depletion has impacted extreme precipitation in the austral summer,
Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 4054-4059.
- Grise, K. M., S.-W. Son, and J. R. Gyakum, 2013:
Intraseasonal and interannual variability in North American storm
tracks and its relationship to equatorial Pacific variability,
Monthly Weather Review, 141, 3610-3625.
- Kim, J., K. M. Grise, and S.-W. Son, 2013:
Thermal characteristics of the cold-point tropopause region in CMIP5 models,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 118,
- Min, S.-K. and S.-W. Son, 2013:
Multi-model attribution of the Southern Hemisphere Hadley cell widening:
major role of ozone depletion
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres,
118, 3007-3015.
- Dunn-Sigouin, E. and S.-W. Son, 2013:
Northern Hemisphere blocking frequency and duration in the CMIP5
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres,
118, 1179-1188.
- Dunn-Sigouin, E., S.-W. Son, and H. Lin, 2013:
Evaluation of Northern Hemisphere blocking climatology in the Global Environment Multiscale (GEM) model,
Monthly Weather Review, 141, 707-727.
- Charlton-Perez A. J., M. P. Baldwin, T. Birner, R. X. Black,
A. H. Butler, N. Calvo, N. A. Davis, E. P. Gerber, N. Gillett,
S. Hardiman, J. Kim, K. Kruger, Y.-Y. Lee, E. Manzini,
B. A. McDaniel, L. M. Polvani, T. Reichler, T. A. Shaw, M. Sigmond,
S.-W. Son, M. Toohey, L. Wilcox, S. Yoden, B. Christiansen,
F. Lott, D. Shindell, S. Yukimoto, and S. Watanabe, 2013:
On the lack of stratospheric dynamical variability in low-top
versions of the CMIP5 models,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres,
118, 2494-2505.
2008 - 2012
- Gerber, E. P., A. Butler, N. Calvo, A. Charlton-Perez,
M. Giorgetta, E. Manzini, J. Perlwitz, L. M. Polvani, F. Sassi,
A. Scaife, T. Shaw, S.-W. Son, and S. Watanabe, 2012:
Assessing and Understanding the Impact of Stratospheric Dynamics
and Variability on the Earth System,
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 93, 845-859.
- Kim, J. and S.-W. Son, 2012:
Tropical Cold-Point Tropopause: Climatology, Seasonal Cycle and Intraseasonal Variability Derived from COSMIC GPS Radio Occultation Measurements,
Journal of Climate, 25, 5343-5360.
- Purich, A., and S.-W. Son, 2012:
Impact of Antarctic ozone depletion and recovery on Southern Hemisphere precipitation, evaporation and extreme changes,
Journal of Climate, 25, 3145-3154.
- Seo, K.-H. and S.-W. Son, 2012:
The Global Atmospheric Circulation Response to Tropical Diabatic Heating Associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation during Northern Winter,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 69, 79-96.
- Son, S.-W., N. F. Tandon, and L. M. Polvani, 2011:
The Fine-scale Structure of the Global Tropopause derived from COSMIC GPS Radio Occultation Measurements,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 116, D20113,
- Polvani, L. M., D. W. Waugh, G. J. P. Correa and S.-W. Son, 2011:
Stratospheric Ozone Depletion: the Main Driver of 20th Century Atmospheric Circulation Changes in the Southern Hemisphere,
Journal of Climate, 24, 795-812, doi: 10.1175/2010JCLI3772.1.
- [Book Chapter] Gillett, N. P. and S.-W. Son, 2011:
Impact of polar ozone loss on the troposphere,
Stratospheric Ozone Depletion and Climate Change, R. Muller Ed.,
Royal Society of Chemistry, pp346.
- [Report Chapter] Forster, P. M., D. W. J. Thompson, and Coauthors, 2011:
Stratospheric Changes and Climate,
Chapter 4 in the Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2010, WMO Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project - Report No. 52.
- Martineau, P. and S.-W. Son, 2010:
Quality of Reanalysis Data during Stratospheric Vortex Weakening and Intensification Events,
Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L22801,
- Park, H.-S., J. C. H. Chiang, and S.-W. Son, 2010:
The Role of the Central Asian Mountains on the Midwinter Suppression of North Pacific Storminess,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 67, 3706-3720.
[Comments & Reply]
- Hegglin, M. I., A. Gettelman, P. Hoor, R. Krichevsky, G. L. Manney, L. Pan, S.-W. Son, G. Stiller, S. Tilmes, K. A. Walker, and SPARC/CCMVal co-authors, 2010:
Multi-model Assessment of the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere: Extra-tropics,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 115, D00M09,
- Gettelman, A., M. I. Hegglin, S.-W. Son, J. Kim, M. Fujiwara, T. Birner, S. Kremser, M. Rex, and SPARC/CCMVal co-authors, 2010:
Multi-model Assessment of the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere: Tropics and Trends,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 115, D00M08,
- Son, S.-W., E. P. Gerber, J. Perlwitz, L. M. Polvani, N. Gillett, K.-H. Seo and SPARC/CCMVal co-authors, 2010:
Impact of Stratospheric Ozone on Southern Hemisphere Circulation Change: A Multimodel Assessment,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 115, D00M07,
- [Report Chapter] Baldwin, M., N. P. Gillett, and Coauthors, 2010:
Effects of the stratosphere on the troposphere,
Chapter 10 in the SPARC Report on the Evaluation of Chemistry-Climate Models, V. Eyring, T. G. Shepherd, D. W. Waugh (Eds.), SPARC Report No. 5, WCRP-132, WMO/TD-No. 1526.
- [Report Chapter] Gettelman, A., M. I. Hegglin, and Coauthors, 2010:
Upper troposphere and lower stratosphere,
Chapter 7 in the SPARC Report on the Evaluation of Chemistry-Climate Models, V. Eyring, T. G. Shepherd, D. W. Waugh (Eds.), SPARC Report No. 5, WCRP-132, WMO/TD-No. 1526.
- Ho, C.-H., H.-S. Kim, J.-H. Jeong, and S.-W. Son, 2009:
Influence of stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation on tropical
cyclone tracks in western North Pacific,
Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L06702,
- Kravtsov, S., J. E. Ten Hoeve, S. B. Feldstein, S. Lee, and S.-W. Son, 2009:
The relationship between statistically linear and nonlinear feedbacks and zonal-mean flow variability in an idealized climate model,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 66, 353-372.
- Son, S.-W., N. F. Tandon, L. M. Polvani, and D. W. Waugh, 2009:
Ozone hole and Southern Hemisphere climate change,
Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L15705, doi:10.1029/2009GL038671.
- Son, S.-W., M. Ting, and L. M. Polvani, 2009:
The effect of topography on storm track intensity in a relatively simple general circulation model,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 66, 393-411.
- Son, S.-W., L. M. Polvani,
D. W. Waugh, T. Birner, H. Akiyoshi, R. R. Garcia, A. Gettelman, D. A. Plummer, and E. Rozanov, 2009:
The impact of stratospheric ozone recovery on tropopause height trends,
Journal of Climate, 22, 429-445.
- Son, S.-W., L. M. Polvani, D. W. Waugh, H. Akiyoshi, R. Garcia, D. Kinnison, S. Pawson, E. Rozanov, T. G. Shepherd, and K. Shibata, 2008:
The impact of stratospheric ozone recovery on the Southern hemisphere westerly jet,
Science, 320, 1486-1489.
- Son, S.-W., S. Lee, S. B. Fledstein, and J. E. Ten Hoeve, 2008:
Time scale and feedback of zonal mean flow variability,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 65, 935-952.
- Ryu, J.-H., S. Lee, and S.-W. Son, 2008:
Vertically propagating Kelvin waves and tropical tropopause variability,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 65, 1817-1837.
2007 and before
- Lee, S., S.-W. Son, K. Grise, and S. B. Feldstein, 2007:
Mechanism of poleward propagation of zonal mean flow anomalies,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 64, 849-868.
- Williams, L. N., S. Lee, S.-W. Son, 2007:
Dynamics of the southern Hemisphere spiral jet,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 64, 548-563.
- Son, S.-W., and L. M. Polvani, 2007:
The dynamical formation of an extratropical tropopause inversion layer in a relatively simple general circulation model,
Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L17806,
- Son, S.-W., and S. Lee, 2007:
Intraseasonal variability of the zonal mean tropical tropopause height,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 64, 2695-2706.
- Son, S.-W., S. Lee, and S. B. Feldstein, 2007:
Intraseaonal variability of the zonal mean extratropical tropopause height,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 64, 608-620.
- Son, S.-W., and S. Lee, 2006:
Preferred modes of variability and their relationship with climate change,
Journal of Climate, 19, 2063-2075.
- Son, S.-W., and S. Lee, 2005:
The response of westerly jets to thermal driving in a primitive equation model,
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 62, 3741-3757.
- Choi, G., J. Choi, J.-W. Kim, and S.-W. Son, 2002:
The climatology of perceived sultriness in south Korea,
Journal of Korean Geographical Society, 385-402.
- Son, S.-W.,
and D.-K. Lee, 2001:
A numerical study on the evolution of mesoscale cyclone and associated low-level jet along the East Asian monsoon front,
Korean Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 65-82.